Is text chat corrupting our language?
(Visited 6357 times)May 022007
There is no such thing as corrupting the language.
Lest thou dost think that our tongue remaineth immutable,
This sooth shews yt fals.
9 Responses to “Is text chat corrupting our language?”
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Raph’s Website » Is text chat corrupting our language?
whew i was worried 4 a min now i no it will be ok lol
I don’t know. I still like punctuation and capitalization. B-)
Ditto 2 GBGames, brb lol, omfug.
The MUD-Dev thread on the importance of emoting has nearly tempted me to post several times myself. People seem to naturally fall into proscriptive and descriptive camps on issues of language, making productive discussion near impossible.
The sanctity of language annoyed me, too. The thing is, if people can’t understand you, they won’t listen to you anyways. The only reason slang ever sticks is because it’s sensical to the intended audience.
Won’t someone think about the kids??? 🙁
Can I put I speak multiple languages on my resume since I speak “chat”?
d00d ur teh sxya
lfg lvl 60 resto drood
CD and DVD are in Websters Online dictionary as nouns – how long before LFG?
Change is constant – people hate change. I hate to clean, but I’m doing it. Break time is over.
teh intrweb is the shizzle
[…] asks, Is Text Chat Corrupting Our Language? I agree with his answer and direct you here for an understanding of why. The letter that Bob Yates […]
English is dead, long live english: