An ARG to solve real problems

 Posted by (Visited 7637 times)  Game talk
May 042007

Jane McGonigal just dropped me a line about her new project, World Without Oil. Rather than try to describe it, here’s the summary she sent:

 Earlier this week, World Without Oil launched. It’s the first alternate reality game to address a real-world problem: U.S. oil dependency. The official motto: “Play it – before you live it.” And you can play right now!

 It takes literally less than 30 seconds to sign up as a game hero.  I hope you’ll go sign up right now! Here’s the link:

 (Signing up just gives you a unique identity in the alternate reality. It means the game will know who you are if you come back and play. Unlike other ARGs, the game won’t start emailing you or burying things in your backyard.)

 Once you’re signed up, there’s lots of fun stuff to check out. The game launched on Monday, and already there are hundreds of player created documents to browse—-not to mention the official “backstory” created by the game’s puppet masters. The latest game updates include video footage of an underground car vandalism effort, instructions for how to throw fuel-free parties, and an eyebrow-raising transcript of the new secretary of state’s address to the nation.

 But most importantly – please take 1 minute today to sign up to play and help make this experimental game project a success!

And the press release:

 First Alternate Reality Game To Confront A Major Social Issue: A Worldwide Oil Shock

 All Web Users Invited to Witness the Oil Shock, Document Their Experiences, Apply Collective Imagination to Solve a Real World Problem

 The serious game for the public good begins April 30, at

 “Play it – before you live it”

 (San Francisco, CA)—Everyone knows that “someday” the world may face an oil shortage. What if that day was sooner than you thought? How would your life change? On Monday, April 30, ITVS Interactive and Independent Lens will launch WORLD WITHOUT OIL, a live interactive month-long alternate reality event to explore this very real possibility.

 Produced by the design team at Writerguy, WORLD WITHOUT OIL is the first alternate reality game to enlist the Internet’s vast collective intelligence and imagination to confront and attempt to solve a real-world problem: what happens when a great economy built entirely on cheap oil begins to run short? This grassroots experience looks at the impact on people’s lives—work, social, family and personal—and explores what happens when our thirst for oil begins to exceed supply.

 “Alternate reality gaming is emerging as the way for the world to imagine and engineer a best-case-scenario future,” says WORLD WITHOUT OIL’s participation architect, noted futurist Jane McGonigal. “It’s been summed up this way: ‘If you want to change the future, play with it first.’”

 Beginning April 30, the nerve center for the realistic oil crisis is at, with links to citizen stories in blogs, videos, photos, audio and phone messages posted all over the Internet. At the grassroots website, people will learn the broad brushstrokes of the crisis, such as the current price of a gallon of gas or how widespread shortages are. Players will fill in the details, by creating Web documents that express their own perspectives from within the crisis.

 “The ‘alternate reality’ of WORLD WITHOUT OIL is not fantasy, it’s a very real possibility,” says Writerguy Creative Director Ken Eklund. “And the game challenge is one of imagination. No one person or small group can hope to figure out the complex rippling effects of an oil shock, but the collective imagination can. And understanding it is a serious, positive step toward preventing it.”

 People of any age or Web ability can participate in the game. Player communities are already forming to prepare for game launch, and pre-game play has started:

         Official game blog:

         Player wiki –

         Player Forum –

         MySpace page:

         For  middle and high school teachers who want to incorporate the game into class activities:

 WORLD WITHOUT OIL is produced by the Writerguy team, presented by ITVS Interactive (Independent Television Service), and funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. An Independent Lens Web-exclusive presentation (PBS), WORLD WITHOUT OIL is an ELECTRIC SHADOWS project (ITVS).

 About the Game Creators

The Writerguy team includes some of alternate reality gaming’s most experienced “puppetmasters” in addition to a Web producer, designer and outreach manager. Ken Eklund, Writerguy and creative director, has been working as a game writer and designer for 20 years. He is credited on over two dozen games as well as many Internet-based educational projects. Jane McGonigal, participation architect, is currently the resident game designer at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, CA. Previously she was a lead designer at 42 Entertainment, most notably for I Love Bees, an award-winning alternate reality game. In Fall 2006 MIT Technology Review named McGonigal one of the top 35 innovators changing the world through technology.

 Electric Shadows and Independent Lens Web-Exclusives

Independent Lens presents interactive features throughout the series website and is proud to be a portal to Electric Shadows projects which feature the unflinching visions of independent media makers via the Web. These award-winning Web-originals invite visitors to interact through non-linear storytelling and social issue games created by independent media makers. Presented by Independent Lens and ITVS Interactive and funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Electric Shadows sites explore the arts, culture and society through innovative forms including nonlinear storytelling and interactive gameplay and meet the ITVS mission of giving voice to underserved communities. Since its inception in 2002, the initiative has funded six online projects. Electric Shadows projects have garnered a People’s Choice Webby Award, two SXSW Web Awards, highlighted as one of’s “50 Coolest Websites”, Yahoo! Picks, Cool Site of the Day and numerous other accolades. Explore the projects and learn more about Electric Shadows at


  5 Responses to “An ARG to solve real problems”

  1. the highest percentage of visits to their site with 32.96 percent. This was followed by NBC’s Deal or No Deal Web site, which received the second largest percentage of U.S. visits grabbing 12.33 percent. Following on the heels of Deal or … An ARG to solve real problems Independent Lens presents interactive features throughout the series website and is proud to be a portal to Electric Shadows projects which feature the unflinching visions of independent media makers via the Web.

  2. Wouldn’t that be a glorious day (a world without oil)? Sounds like an interesting game!

  3. I muttered about this over at the Escapist. They changed around my intent a little bit in editing; I was mostly just advocating that people should be able to play together with their kids and family more often. But yeah; social games ftw.

  4. Political correctness isn’t fun. Just give me a propaganda pamphlet, please.

  5. There’s more to “fun” than just recreation.
    Wargames were originally intended to be simulations of real battles, so that fighters and commanders could rehearse before the real performance. This AR game closer to those wargames than Advanced Squad Leader is. I’m more surprised it has taken this long for the idea to catch on.

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