Stuff I missed while camping

 Posted by (Visited 6230 times)  Game talk
May 072007
  • There’s now a World of Warcraft credit card. Looks like you earn gametime as you buy stuff. Makes sense — tie the users in.
  • My UO resource system articles (1, 2, 3) have been translated to Hungarian over at the new site
  • NHN’s U.S. portal is out of beta and launching officially. Apparently, they’ve had 3 million registered and are hitting over 25k concurrent with games like Gunbound and GUNZ.
  • VW2007 audio is up at REZNation. I should call out that Areae’s John Donham is on this one about the roadmap for future virtual worlds.
  • Linden Lab is jumping into the issue of age and id verification. Land owners will have to mark their land as having adult content, Linden will provide a proof-of-age-and-id system (via a third party) that landowners can query, and “Landowners are morally and legally responsible for the content displayed and the behavior taking place on their land.” Basically, pursuing a very ISP-like policy.

  4 Responses to “Stuff I missed while camping”

  1. So it’s not just a figure of speech after all — WOW actually is a licence to print money.

  2. raph this all tells me you need to get out there soon.

  3. Thanks for mentioning our new site! The articles 2 and 3 will follow shortly. We just didn’t want to give everything at once. Marketing at its best 😛

  4. Hmm… SL’s approach is interesting. I guess this will buy them the flare of being a serious provider. Though I have to question the TSL system as described in the linked page. Users are forced to leave TSL and enter SL when they reach 18 and they cant enter SL until they are 18? “But all my friends are 17!” Having no slack makes it perfectly clear that they don’t want their users to follow their rules. SL’s rules are all about non-functional marketing, apparently.

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