15th wedding anniversary
(Visited 6571 times)May 102007
One more year, and our marriage is old enough to drive. Of course, one more year and our relationship will be able to vote. 🙂
Happy anniversary, Kristen! I love you.
(Hmm, it’s supposed to be crystal or watches. We would never use the crystal, and you don’t wear a watch…)
13 Responses to “15th wedding anniversary”
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Congrats 🙂
*thunderous applause*
Hehe… yeah, well I just GOT you a watch not that long ago too. =P
Elena wanted me to get this little crystal guitar. But I figured it’d need dusted. 🙂
How about virtual crystal and watches in Second Life or something? Ok, bad joke – but somehow it seemed appropriate. 🙂 Congratulations!
Congratulations 😀
Congratulations. Here’s to the next 15…..
Get some decorative crystal. Maybe a couple nice suncatchers.
[…] 15th wedding anniversary […]
crystal + a watch = a framed picture (something behind glass that reminds you of time)
Build a room out of crystal in Areae. Somehow. However it works in your enigmatic thingymabobber. Include a clock. Then get it fab’ed in a 3d printer.
Hurrah! Well done you two lovelies..
A. x