More Areae jobs!

 Posted by (Visited 5380 times)  Misc
May 152007

Check ’em out:

  16 Responses to “More Areae jobs!”

  1. Seems allot of the Sigil guys and gals are looking for jobs.

  2. You’re developing in LAMP?

    That’s great!

    I love LAMP!

  3. I am playing with that thought since you announced Areae. As a european software engineer- working for a major MMO player- should I apply as a european or will you just disregard aqpplications from europe?

  4. A lot depends on whether you have a work visa already — getting the visa is slow and difficult and might put someone out of the running for a time-sensitive hire. Also, in-person interviews across the ocean are expensive. But for the right person, we’d still be interested in resumes, sure.

  5. A QA position is conspicuously missing…

  6. Looking at the Client Engineer requirements, something a little odd strikes me. There’s a requirement for “Experience with DirectX”, and “Experience with Mac development beneficial”, but no mention of OpenGL. So they’re developing both 2D and 3D clients, and they’re targeting both Windows and Mac (or at least hoping to), but the only 3D API they want a developer for is Windows-only.

    Deduction: The MAMMO (Mysterious Areae MMO) will have a 3D client for Windows, but the second-class citizens Mac users will have to make do with 2D.

  7. PS. Your live preview is a trifle buggy — I thought I had a strikethrough through “second-class citizens” there.

  8. […] More Areae jobs! […]

  9. Good catch Ross… that’s an oversight in writing the description. We use OpenGL here quite a lot. 🙂

  10. Look out, San Diego!! Godzilla’s coming!

    Yup, we’re hiring. We’re located in beautiful San Diego, in the Rancho Bernardo area. There’s tons of places to eat within walking distance….

    Any word on which places you plan to eat first, or is that still a closely-guarded secret, to avoid warning the human inhabitants ahead of your onslaught?

  11. Uh, no offense dude, I like your blog and your work but all we see from Areae is more job offers and not much about the MMO itself. I know its suppose to be great but dont you think its a little unfair to announce something so waaayyyyy ahead of time. You have built up a lot of hype, doesnt that set up too many expectations? Are you sure your great concept is going to automatically be a hit? Maybe its not your fault people are addicted to MMOs but is it really wise to string them so far along? Your approach seems almost a little too corporate…. a press release ahead of time….. building all this buzzz…… people keep waiting and waiting for your product to come to market….. then even if the product falls a little short you have this huge response built in because people want to see what all the hype was about in the first place.

  12. Hmm. We announced the company in what, November? And all we have posted since is job openings. We have done very little press since the announcement. And we haven’t announced a product at all!

  13. LongWait > Uh, no offense dude…

    Raph > Hmm…

    Haha I love the internet. 🙂

  14. Sending in my resume now! (Hope I’m not too late!) I noticed the LAMP position description doesn’t contain any contact information. I hope the email listed on the other job descriptions is the right one. 🙂

  15. Haven’t announced a product? Well since you are an MMO designer and judging from the material up on the areae site, your blog posts, etc. isn’t it safe to assume it’s some type of MMO? Done very little press? Nobody said you weren’t a clever guy. Given the amount of current media interest in virtual worlds do you really have too (do much press)? “Hmmmm…… I know everyone out there is looking for a WOW or Second Life killer………. I wonder what happens If I float a press release telling everyone I have some really cool new killer concept in the works……… and some funding!…… now all I have to do is hire people and actually put the darn thing together…. oh well…. but hey, isnt that the new trend in tech, hooking people before I have a real product?….. I dont see millions of Segways on the street….. but Dean Kamen said we would overnight even before he showed his invention to the world……….. well, cant blame the guy, advertising is expensive….. after all I have to ride the wave of second life hype…… by the time I am done with areae, people may already be bored and burned out with WOW and SL…. I’ll have to actually spend money on promotion then…….. uuuuuuhhhh, it’s easier to just string them along and keep them interested while they wait with cryptic answers”

    Dude, forgive my skepticism…… its just that from the little info you did put out, all I can tell is your not a fan of 3D graphics and you like Habbo hotel…… and believe or not people still like good graphics….. without good graphics I hope you really get that killer concept right.

  16. We’ve said we’re making virtual worlds, yes. And you’re right that given the level of media interest, we don’t need to do much press.

    The reason we launched the website was so that we could hire effectively. The faster we hire, the sooner we can get enough done to announce what we are doing, which then lets us address your concerns. And that’s what this post was about — hiring. 🙂

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