Timeless Cities, FakeTown, Voki

 Posted by (Visited 6033 times)  Game talk
May 172007

The march of worlds outside the gamespace continues:

Timeless Cities just landed $1m in funding. No word on what exactly it is.

I got pointed to FakeTown today, which I had seen before but not in a while. I dig the map view, but couldn’t find anyone else.

Plain old avatars are also booming — Voki is a new system for this which seems to have some similarities to Sitepal.

  One Response to “Timeless Cities, FakeTown, Voki”

  1. today, which I had seen before but not in a while. I dig the map view, but couldnt find anyone else. Plain old avatars are also booming Voki is a new system for this which seems to have some similarities to …Timeless Cities, FakeTown, Voki

  2. […] Timeless Cities, FakeTown, Voki […]

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