F13 interview part 2

 Posted by (Visited 4797 times)  Game talk
May 182007

There’s a part 3 coming eventually as well.

F13.net – Usefully Cynical Commentary » GDC07 – Raphing It Up #2

f13.net: Well, you’ve gone for a lot of user customizability as opposed to full-on genesis, full user creation.

Raph: Well, yeah, I’ve always… even if you go back through old GDC sessions. There was the one with the big inflammatory statement where I told the movie guy “Get over yourself, the rest of the world is coming!” But part of that was saying that the rest of the world is coming, but they’ll be working with Legos instead of with atoms. So, you can extrapolate from there. Nothing there is something new that I’m saying, I’ve been saying similar things for a while.

Part one is back here.

  3 Responses to “F13 interview part 2”

  1. Quick and Dirty Game Development…

    f13.net has an older interview with Raph. He mentions coding some games on the side. Specifically, he says he “got in the mode of prototyping computer games in thirty minutes.” This is something I’ve been wanting to do for some tim…

  2. Kids always want something to do. They can’t just wait half an hour for their friend to get there, they want something to do. These kiddie games are going to be much, much bigger than anything else as far as games, chat rooms, whatever. Because they are all of that plus. *Oooo colors!*

    This will be a boon to all kinds of things. More advanced gaming, education, world peace. They are learning “social” without any strings attatched except just plain fun. Their self awareness is enhanced without any problems with self esteme. They can learn that other people don’t like something and change if they think they should, and it doesn’t matter because it’s not real. It’s all so…casual.

  3. Heh. I’ve used the “The rest of the world is coming!” quotation as the title for three separate and unrelated journal posts over the past… five years. I don’t even remember exactly when, and I don’t think Google has my journal fully indexed, either, so searching isn’t easy.

    But it’s still my favorite quote.

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