East vs West

 Posted by (Visited 7541 times)  Game talk
May 212007




  21 Responses to “East vs West”

  1. First, I have to wonder why these two clips were selected for compare and contrast.

    Second, West trumps East on pure funny. I had to hold my eyelids open for the trite boy-fights-boy-over-girl schtick, alas. Whereas I *still* laugh at the West video, even though I’ve seen it multiple times.

    Third, East is how 13-year-old-teeny-boppers wish relationships were. West? Welcome to reality.

  2. East is all about putting the “Role” back into MMORPG. West is all about putting the “Play” back into MMORPG.

    It’s a bit apples and oranges, though, since West is a fan-made parody, while East is a sanctioned music video. A more direct comparison could be made between trailers for GE and WoW. Trailers are all about putting the “Massive” back into MMORPG. Although East seems to like showing off a lot more gameplay footage than West.

  3. I thought that Granado Espada movie was charming and artfully done. But I don’t think it’s fair to take two movies and spin a tale of two societies.

    The west does seem to be lacking in imagination these days. And I don’t think our humor is winning the day, nor do I buy any “reality” comments since that isn’t the point at all. I mean, before the Pyramids were built people just threw rocks in a pile. It’s where you want to go with things.

  4. That is quite the elaborate music video for a game. East, of course. Although WoW players never cease to amuse me with their dedication to putting amusing videos on the internet.

    And you’ve amused me with this post. Thanks!

  5. When I saw the Ganado Espada I kept wondering what they were singing about. It sounded (and looked) like a love ballad, but MMORPGs are about levelling your character up… lyrics that would only work in a Wierd Al song.

  6. Both were fun in their own way although it’s worth mentioning that you could remove the sound from the east video and still be entertained.

  7. I guess the answer is… one was made by a guy sitting in his basement and the other one came from a team with a budget?

  8. So, to me the salient differences are:

    – how much more immersive and RP-ish the music video is, even though the Eastern games tend to have less support for that sort of play.

    – the fact that there is a music video at all is interesting, and in contrast to the fact that the Western offerings are just about all fan-made, rather than corporate.

    – the fact that it is clearly targeted towards women is also very interesting to me.

  9. I’m surprised you didn’t provide this as the “West” example:

  10. Also worth mentioning is that you could remove the visuals from the west video and still be entertained. I’m not sure you could say the same about the east’s offering.

  11. How about Europe in between?


  12. Hmmm… not sure I would go so far out on a limb as to hold up any one item as representive of “West.” It would be like holding up one particular flavor of wine or cheese and saying, “This is wine,” or “This is cheese.” But your pick does have some useful social commentary in it. I’m just not sure of the point. Or maybe it might be because I just don’t want to voice it. (/shudder…)

    Or maybe I just rebel when someone asks me a loaded question.

  13. Todd, that’s because the West clip is a parody of a well-known Anime Music Video. I think this was it:

    Lots of people have done their own interpretation of this thing:

  14. That clip wasn’t a parody of any anime anything. LOL. It’s a song from the Broadway musical “Avenue Q” that somebody put with WoW images and someone else put with anime. Try wikipedia for Avenue Q.

  15. UO’s log on movie still thrills me. It offered so much hope for some real depth to the game, which seemed to fall out of the plans later. Raph, I’d love to hear some info on what was supposed to go on with UO in that reguard and what happened with that, if you ever get the chance.

    Yes, the east movie is clearly targeting ladies. And guys who like ladies, I guess. Maybe it would be better to say it’s targeting the romantic in people. Of course, maybe if I knew what they were actually singing I might have an entirely different point of view.

  16. I loaded both at the same time, and ended up watching the Granado video but hearing the WoW song – that was confusing to say the least 🙂

  17. A bit offtopic, but anybody have any info. on GE? Good? Bad? Anything noteworthy? Seemed to come out of nowhere and all of a sudden folks are talking about it.

  18. Hmm, I opened up both links into new windows at the same time and saw the GE video while hearing the WoW video. Wierd for about 15 sec…until it dawned on me that two videos were playing at the same time.

    Try that 🙂

  19. […] Occidente: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwXotdKmdnI Sacado de aqui (hay otro enlace en los comentarios buen�simo: […]

  20. East

    Escape from a highly codified and rigid society to some imaginary world.


    Sex and Violence as means of relaxation between 2 shopping sessions.

  21. “Todd, that’s because the West clip is a parody of a well-known Anime Music Video.”

    Regardless of the source, the west video is funny and engaging. The east video is pre-packaged emotion accompanied by pretty pictures, the kind we’ve heard a billion times, and I can tell as much without knowing a lick of Mandarin.

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