What if the Metaverse were Chinese?

 Posted by (Visited 5095 times)  Game talk
May 112007

With news that now Shanda, one of the biggest Chinese MMO companies, is planning on making a metaverse world, it’s a legitimate question, If the flavor of a metaverse is driven largely by who is connected to it, then population will surely have a disproportionate impact on the overall flavor of the space. It might be that we say goodbye to the libertarian sorts of approaches that currently define the ideals of some virtual worlds, and arguably underpin the whole field (cf Bartle’s take on how the “hacker ethic” informed early MUDs).

The motive for Shanda is of course crassly commercial; after all, HiPiHi has already entered beta. In fact, the sheer lack of content here is reminiscent of the recent talk from Atari about making a virtual world: basically, not even an announcement, just the hint that maybe they are consdering one.
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GDC interview of me on Gamasutra.com

 Posted by (Visited 3597 times)  Game talk
May 112007

Bonnie Ruberg cornered me for an interview at the tables on the third floor of GDC. It wasn’t necessarily the clearest place for an interview, and it was near the end of the day and I was a little scatterbrained. The result is this interview on Gamasutra, where some of the transcript makes it sound like I was either contradicting myself or mumbling. Probably both. 🙂

A lot of the content will be familiar to folks who follow the blog regularly, I suspect. Nonetheless, there are probably a few things I say that will tick off someone somewhere, particularly on page 3.

One note, though — as usual, I got credited for a game that I don’t really regard as being mine at all. In this case, it was Field Commander, in the lead-in blurb article.  It’s not fair to the folks who worked hard on that game to give me any credit — I didn’t do a lick of design or code on that game.

15th wedding anniversary

 Posted by (Visited 6551 times)  Misc
May 102007

One more year, and our marriage is old enough to drive. Of course, one more year and our relationship will be able to vote. 🙂

Happy anniversary, Kristen! I love you.

(Hmm, it’s supposed to be crystal or watches. We would never use the crystal, and you don’t wear a watch…)