May 062007

I just got back from two days camping in what passes for mountains in this county — up past Julian, with the Cub Scouts, at Mataguay. I got plenty of photos and not much sleep. So I am tired and cranky and have missed a few days of the Internet, much less the blog.

Driving from mountain valley down to home called to mind a very old poem, from when Kristen and I made a similar, much longer traversal, moving from Maryland to Alabama, driving down the spine of the Smokies. I dusted it off and did a largish rewrite. So here it is: Continue reading »

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An ARG to solve real problems

 Posted by (Visited 7619 times)  Game talk
May 042007

Jane McGonigal just dropped me a line about her new project, World Without Oil. Rather than try to describe it, here’s the summary she sent:

 Earlier this week, World Without Oil launched. It’s the first alternate reality game to address a real-world problem: U.S. oil dependency. The official motto: “Play it – before you live it.” And you can play right now!

 It takes literally less than 30 seconds to sign up as a game hero.  I hope you’ll go sign up right now! Here’s the link:

 (Signing up just gives you a unique identity in the alternate reality. It means the game will know who you are if you come back and play. Unlike other ARGs, the game won’t start emailing you or burying things in your backyard.)

 Once you’re signed up, there’s lots of fun stuff to check out. The game launched on Monday, and already there are hundreds of player created documents to browse—-not to mention the official “backstory” created by the game’s puppet masters. The latest game updates include video footage of an underground car vandalism effort, instructions for how to throw fuel-free parties, and an eyebrow-raising transcript of the new secretary of state’s address to the nation.

 But most importantly – please take 1 minute today to sign up to play and help make this experimental game project a success!

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More roundup, due to illness

 Posted by (Visited 5187 times)  Game talk
May 042007

Allergies knocked me down yesterday (well, technically, it was the Benadryl that knocked me down). So here’s another roundup, and perhaps someday we’ll return to the days of overly lengthy articl;es stuffed full of colorful and insightful commentary.

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New mugs & stuff

 Posted by (Visited 4163 times)  Misc
May 022007

I know, crass commercialism flogging products no one wants.

But if you are that rare person who does want, there’s now stuff for 2007 grads festooned with penguins from A Theory of Fun available in the store.