The 15 Geekiest Vacations

 Posted by (Visited 6728 times)  Misc
Jun 092007

I have to admit that I have done a whole bunch of these Geekiest Vacations on eWeek. Not all of them were for vacations, but I’ve been to the National Computer Museum twice (gave a talk there once, actually, for the Churchill Club), to Worldcon, the National Air and Space Museum, and yes, the Quark Bar.

Oh, and some of the other stuff, like going to a great place for nerdy reasons (Switzerland for a social policy conference? Check), traveling laden down with gadgets including a headphone splitter to watch movies with my wife, and of course, #1 — taking a road trip to visit blog buddies.

Well, MUD-Dev buddies and other game devs. But whatever, close enough. šŸ™‚

  6 Responses to “The 15 Geekiest Vacations”

  1. Holy crap. Is it nerdy to be jealous of your trip to Quark’s Bar?

    Hell, I never knew such a thing existed. I wonder if I’d get asked to leave if I went in dressed as Morn on two dollar margarita night.

    I’m such a nerd just for making that joke.

  2. The Quark Bar is a blast. I reccomend it to any fan – even someone that just “likes” Trek.

  3. Geeks are taking over the world. Just wait untill you see what the world’s finest military units look like in 15 years. They’d already make a borg proud.

  4. […] The 15 Geekiest Vacations […]

  5. […] courtesy of Raph Koster, who is more accomplished at geek vacationing than […]

  6. Shame the National Cryptologic Museum at NSA HQ didn’t get mentioned.

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