Gamasutra has posted the audio of my GDC lecture ‘Where Games Meets the Web’. You can follow along with the slides which are here.
Tired of hearing about the NGE
(Visited 35650 times)So, here it is, a few years later, and we’re still seeing articles on the NGE. And honestly, I’m getting a little tired of it. In this case, I actually declined to comment for the article, but there’s nonetheless a giant inset quote from me dug up from ages ago (which irritates me, honestly). I had declined because I just didn’t want to perpetuate the discussion.
CNN Future Summit
(Visited 7343 times)Look ma, I’m on TV. The CNN Future Summit on virtual worlds is supposed to be airing on CNN International a whole bunch of times, featuring a whole bunch of us from the virtual worlds community. The bulk of the show is a panel session at Stanford, as I understand it. I taped my segment in New York, in front of bluescreen and talking into a camera.
Show times (All times GMT)
June 13, 16, 17, 20
Wednesday 14:00; Saturday 6:00, 14:00, 19:00; Sunday 6:00, 19:00; Wednesday 14:00
GMT means, I think, that it’s on tomorrow in some parts of the world. I don’t actually see it listed in my cable box’s schedule, however — World News Asia is on in that time slot. This page may provide a clue for your local showings. In my case, I have to wait until the weekend. 🙂 Note, on my cable box it is just called “News Special.”