CNN Future Summit
(Visited 7351 times)Look ma, I’m on TV. The CNN Future Summit on virtual worlds is supposed to be airing on CNN International a whole bunch of times, featuring a whole bunch of us from the virtual worlds community. The bulk of the show is a panel session at Stanford, as I understand it. I taped my segment in New York, in front of bluescreen and talking into a camera.
Show times (All times GMT)
June 13, 16, 17, 20
Wednesday 14:00; Saturday 6:00, 14:00, 19:00; Sunday 6:00, 19:00; Wednesday 14:00
GMT means, I think, that it’s on tomorrow in some parts of the world. I don’t actually see it listed in my cable box’s schedule, however — World News Asia is on in that time slot. This page may provide a clue for your local showings. In my case, I have to wait until the weekend. 🙂 Note, on my cable box it is just called “News Special.”
6 Responses to “CNN Future Summit”
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Finally! While I was in French Polynesia a couple weeks ago CNN International was the only English-language channel available to us. We saw COUNTLESS advertisements for the CNN Future Summit on Virtual Worlds (as well as countless adverts for all the other ‘features’ CNN does, not to mention many tourism ads for The Gambia – the Mining Coast of Africa…I can sing their adverts theme song I heard it so many times).
I hope it doesn’t suck. One of the ‘questions’ asked during the promos was, “What if virtual worlds replaced real countries?” which didn’t fill me with confidence. We need more substance and less “I read Snow Crash and the metaverse would be kewl.” I hope they spend time talking to you rather than fawning over Second Life.
Note to self. Set the TiVo to get this one.
This is the description from CNN’s page, which really says nothing useful:
But right underneath it is this article… with a picture out of what looks like SWG! Hmm 🙂
I’m hoping someone will put this on youtube or something because I don’t have a TV to watch it.
I’ll take this opportunity to express annoyance at Nick Yee’s tag line which was featured in all the promotion for this show, to the effect that people had all this freedom, and all they did was build suburbia.
I really hate it when elites vent their annoyance with mass taste. Leave it alone. Nobody wants to live on your torqued-prim Moebius strip, bleh.
I looked through the Virtual Worlds videos on CNN, but I couldn’t find even a clip of you Raph. Did they cut you out?
Got me! I haven’t seen it yet.
ROFL! It’s a composite-clad SWG character on the web page under the header for Virtual Identity. See, Raph? SWG is still famous.
But hmmm… you don’t suppose… um, Raph, that’s not YOU under that helmet, is it?