Areae hiring a Director of Business Development
(Visited 5604 times)Jun 132007
Director of Business Development job description.
And you’ll all be glad to note that it doesn’t necessarily require relocating to San Diego. You could work in San Francisco too. 🙂
We’ve been getting a lot of biz dev type inquiries already (funny how that works, given that we still haven’t announced anything!). So there’s stuff to do pretty much immediately.
8 Responses to “Areae hiring a Director of Business Development”
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I’ve got a couple of bus dev guys here you could hire … just to get them as far away from us as possible. I know that doesn’t help you, but you’d get the satisfaction of knowing you helped us. And isn’t that what it’s all about?
[…] Here is the link for anyone interested. Director of Business Development And per Raph’s blog: […]
I had a pretty successful gun store in SWG…that count?
If you hire me, I’ll apply the same marketing plan to your game as I did to my store.
-Hire people to shout information about your game in crowded metropolitan areas.
-Contact AAA/Mapsco/National Geographic and make sure we get your company listed on the world map.
-Spam internet forums, utilizing large blocks of colorful text.
I eagerly await my job offer.
Michael, that was a pretty apt description of the level of marketing sophistication available in SWG, but you forgot one, spam the general/planetary channels!
Hi Raph, Any progress filling those other positions? I’m sure you got a deluge of applications, but I’m sort of wondering if I’ll hear back at all, or if it’s one of those “don’t call us, we’ll call you” situations.
Are you for or against follow-up emails with supplemental resume material?
Yeah, talking of biz dev enquiries.. I might need to talk to you soon 🙂
Correct me if I’m wrong,
Wasn’t Areae hiring a Community Relations manager as well?
Or did I mistake seeing that listed?
That is correct, AngryGumball. We have several strong candidates, but there’s still room to throw in a resume.