The Sunday Poem: Pistachio

 Posted by (Visited 9345 times)  The Sunday Poem
Jul 222007

Ok, a challenge. Next Sunday do a poem on Ice Creme Cones, and do it without any insinuations of death, love, or nature.

No insinuations? Fat chance.


Pistachio piled high, a green the shade of leaves in shade;
Scintilla sparkles, specular sliding off the cone.

A spritz of soda, carbon captured, bubbles bursting;
Antiseptic odor effervescing from the glass.

Waterstains on spoons, overlapping nebulae. Straws. Scoops.
Color buckets, congealed craters, rough gorges. Crème.

Here there is no death except in melting. There is no love,
But for the sharing of banana splits, there is no nature

Save for green the shade of leaves in shade, the nuts,
The flavor on the tongue, purchased by my grandpa.

We chrome, we swirl, we pile double-high, we watch
As scoops sizzle on the hot cement, fallen from their perch.

Book Review-O-Rama part two

 Posted by (Visited 8253 times)  Reading
Jul 212007

Whoof, a huge backlog to get through here, and I have already added more to the finished stack that I want to mention. So brief reviews this time.

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others DieMade to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die was really, really good. The book is basically about what makes concepts memorable when you present them. The authors outline a very simple formula that lines up well with the various book I have read on cognitive psych (in fact, the bibliography shares a large number of books with A Theory of Fun). Highly recommended — this is one of the best general popsci/business books I have read in quite a while.

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MMOs up for an Emmy

 Posted by (Visited 5253 times)  Game talk
Jul 202007

Or more specifically, the South Park episode “Make Love, Not Warcraft” is up for an Emmy.

Quite a lot of the humor in this episode didn’t work unless you had some sense of what a virtual world was — and not just what Hollywood thought it was (Lawnmower Man, Disclosure, I am thinking of you!) but what they actually work like.

So the fact that the episode is seen as being that worthy is some sort of cultural metric for general awareness and understanding of virtual worlds and MMOs — at least among the Academy voting membership.