An eye on Trion

 Posted by (Visited 4967 times)  Game talk
Jul 092007

Worlds In Motion has an interview with Trion’s Lars Buttler about their recently acquired $30m in funding. Based on the interview here, I’d say they are trying to make the existing big publisher model apply to the Web world — a “virtual console” perhaps?

“…the platform also allows you to tap into the same experience from any connected device. We’re taking the game experience out of the client and putting it into a sophisticated infrastructure.”

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Book review-o-rama part one

 Posted by (Visited 4629 times)  Reading
Jul 072007

I am hugely behind on these book reviews. I figured I’d start with the ones by friends. 🙂

Tales Of The Jersey DevilTales of the Atlantic PiratesTales of the Atlantic Pirates and Tales Of The Jersey Devil are both by Geoff Girard. I went to college with him, and we found these on Amazon and had to pick them up. We’re alas, not in touch anymore, but I am glad to see that he kept up with the writing! The Jersey Devil was something that I had never really read into before, so it was great to learn more about that myth; and the pirate stories range from the swashbuckling to the surprisingly sensitive. Plus the historical research is great. Continue reading »