The lie detector game?

 Posted by (Visited 5546 times)  Game talk
Aug 292007

I suppose it is possible for new interfaces to go too far. The link is to a USA Today article about a new game from Sega that analyzes stress patterns in your voice to arrive at (dubious) opinions about words they are having you read off the screen. Like, “marriage,” “divorce,” and “affair.”

Maybe the intent is to make the words come true. Then no one could say that games don’t have an impact. If not on society, then at least one your personal relationships. 😉

Speaking at CEDEC in Japan

 Posted by (Visited 8461 times)  Game talk
Aug 292007

CEDEC has kindly invited me to speak, and I will be saying something along these lines:

The New Gaming Landscape

The games industry is under attack, and in response it is evolving rapidly. In every part of the world, the evolution has been in different directions. This talk will cover the major business trends driving change (rising costs, team sizes, online connectivity, and the rise of the Web  versus closed platforms). We will discuss some of the changes happening from a design perspective, such as art games, serious games, online games, user-created content, web games, and so on. The goal will be to have a better understanding of both the changing landscape and the sorts of game design that we must explore in order to take part in the new global industry.

This is my first time ever in Japan… I am really looking forward to it.