Rose & Camellia

 Posted by (Visited 4801 times)  Game talk
Aug 012007

Oddly fascinating. Basically, a game of clicking on a hotspot and swiping the mouse.

But the storyline makes a big difference, and the basic metaphor of slap, dodge, and counterslap makes for something that feels different and fresh.

In short, you play a woman born to low station who married into a rich and powerful family. Then her husband died the next day. But as the widow of the eldest son, you are trying to take ownership of the house over two sisters and the mother. Class struggle, lost love, a symbolic rose, an evil matriarch… it’s all very Gothic. 🙂

  2 Responses to “Rose & Camellia”

  1. I need a Katamari Damacy sorbet after that.

  2. I thought this quick-click-drag game mechanic was brand new, and then I remembered the Chalk game. I think Stretch Panic (Playstation2) was also similar… but neither of these games got a lot of attention. It may not be new, but it seems innovative.

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