Bogost on Colbert

 Posted by (Visited 3782 times)  Game talk
Aug 062007

Another step for serious game legitimaciness.

  6 Responses to “Bogost on Colbert”

  1. […] Bogost on Colbert […]

  2. I was actually really impressed with the interview. Colbert’s style of extracting information from his interviewees has always been a little unorthodox to say the least, however I felt that a person uneducated in the ideas behind serious gaming would have at least had the concept of what Ian was talking about after watching this.

  3. I thought it was an interesting interview, but I’m not sure what I think about creating games that are persuasive just because you can, regardless of whether or not they’re fun. I guess that seems random to me? I’ll have to read his book, I suppose. 🙂

  4. Bogost did a good job giving gaming as a whole legitimacy – if nothing else he just showed some people who may not have known, that those involved in gaming are more intellectual than commonly portrayed.

  5. My Appearance on The Colbert Report…

    A clip of my segment and some responses to common questions from friends and colleagues…

  6. I particularly like the Colbert retort about Ian’s games:
    “Oh these games aren’t just for nerds, there for Wonky-Nerds”

    I like how Ian didnt let Colbert get any jabs past him during the interview as he is wont to do.

    Wonky-Games 4tw Ian!

    Good Stuff

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