MyePets kills puppies

 Posted by (Visited 9411 times)  Game talk
Aug 172007

Matt Mihaly reports that you can buy treats for your virtual pet dogs. Such as chocolate.

Don’t try this at home, folks.

  6 Responses to “MyePets kills puppies”

  1. Oh noes, chocolate is poison to dogs and can kill them!! I hate to jump on the “video games teach children to do dangerous things” bandwagon but . . .

  2. You would think most kids would get and manage a toy dog because they don’t have a real one, so no dog would be in immediate danger of doom.

    As long as they show that it is necessary to boil your chocolate before feeding it to your dog it’s fine.

    I am totally kidding, it would melt. If they have nothing but dogs on the site, it’s quite an oversight to add chocolate as a treat.

  3. Its just a kids game for gezz sakes, no kid is going to try to feed a dog chocolate, hell they probably wont remember what they gave their virtual dog for a treat

  4. While it might be a bit of a stretch to say this is necessarily teaching kids that feeding their dog chocolate in real life is a great idea, it certainly presents and excellent opportunity to teach kids the opposite. If a child attempted to give their dog chocolate cake or cookies, the game could perhaps warn/explain to them the harmful nature of that choice. (Obviously this would be more useful if animals were available to which chocolate wasn’t toxic.)

  5. NO child would ever ever feed their real life puppy any kind of chocolate …………
    I don’t see anything wrong with this childs game.I bought each of my three children a myepet and they have really been helping out with our 2 real dogs.I think myepets is a fun filled computer game and my children do also.What the heck they probaly won’t even remeber what they feed their pet anyway.

  6. NO child would ever ever feed their real life puppy any kind of chocolate…

    (Most) adults know better, but do children come stock from the factory with that knowledge?

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