Applying game design to web apps

 Posted by (Visited 5307 times)  Game talk
Aug 202007

Somehow I forgot to blog this when it first appeared, and when I dug through my email, I found I had even missed an email from the author letting me know it went up!

The Startup Game: Using game design to build the next Digg or Flickr is a good article on Amy Jo Kim’s five key ways to apply game stuff to the web:

  • Collecting
  • Points
  • Feedback
  • Exchanges
  • Customization

Worth checking out!

  2 Responses to “Applying game design to web apps”

  1. hi there

    my name is tim i was wondering if u could help me out, i was browsing the internet for a game me and my dad used to play called multi trek. if u know what im talking about or might know some one who does could u please e mail me back at [email deleted] ! i am looking 4 it on the internet and want to know how i can play again, if not no problem n sorry to waste your time but if u do that would b awesome please let me know

    thank u

    Email removed because it’s a great way to get spammed to death by bots.

  2. *blink*

    Re: comment above.

    Son, you’re currently wearing assless chaps in a high security prison. Raph, could you remove his email address? Before somebody bad does him a mischief?

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