The price of fame?

 Posted by (Visited 4728 times)  Game talk
Sep 132007

“Raph Koster reads my blog” t-shirt.

Of course, it’s not just me. Smed, Brad, and Richard get it too. 🙂

  12 Responses to “The price of fame?”

  1. Would you please post a list of blogs you read, so that we know whether we should rush out and buy one?

  2. Is there any blog, you don’t read to begin with? 😉

  3. Laf… I made those last year and nearly forgot about them!

    I’m glad you got a laugh out of it.

    T-Shirts sold by VirginWorlds on Cafe Press: 1, and I’m wearing it now. 🙂
    At least I had fun coming up with the ideas.


  4. Is there any blog, you don’t read to begin with?

    What’s worse is that he has detailed trending and traffic metrics for every blog he reads, dating back to the early 1990s when blogging was simply called “news management.” Raph also keeps a comprehensive rolodex on everyone who mentions his name. He knows where you live, what you eat, when you were born, how you live your life, and your entire daily schedule. Using that data, Raph can forecast the date of your death, too. He sees your future. He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good. (All in Excel!) So be good for beta-goodness sake. ;p

  5. LOL! Someone should come up with a Google Vanity Search Counter T-shirt as well. 😛

  6. I hate to admit this, but I’m ordering the Lord British one. I ganked a lot of people in northeast Skara Brae back in the day. Never got Richard, but close enough. Few things bring out the fanboy in me like UO, circa early ’99.

  7. LOL! Someone should come up with a Google Vanity Search Counter T-shirt as well.

    For once, I didn’t find it that way — it was emailed to me! 🙂

  8. I would wear a “Raph Koster reads my t-shirt” t-shirt. Larger font, though. (This size is more “Raph Koster *tried* to read my t-shirt” t-shirt 😉

  9. Sold! I bought one!

  10. Raph was searching for mentions of his name back on Alta Vista. His rolodex IS the internet.

    (I kid… mostly)

  11. I always love that, if I want one of the big vain gamer gods to visit my blog, all I have to do is write their name in an entry and they show up. It’s highly amusing. I’ve started doing it very explicitly to Richard Bartle.

    Then I have to provide that content stuff. Why can’t it be emergent and stuff? -_-

  12. I’ll be impressed when Raph goes “mass custom” and signs each shirt.

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