AGDC07: the interview

 Posted by (Visited 5523 times)  Game talk
Sep 142007

It seems to have become a traditional that at every conference I sit down with for a rambling, all-over-the-map interview, which they then take weeks to post. 🙂 This time, however, they typed fast and furiously, and it’s up already! Read on for digs at various industry luminaries (who are all friends whom I deeply respect, honest), plus thoughts on how many stories tall a videogame needs to be for us to feel like the screen is actually big enough…

Also, this time the interview features special guest star Cuppycake! – Usefully Cynical Commentary » AGC07: Interview with Raph Koster

… the whole point of being a self-made man is so you can buy that cool golf ball. *laughing* It’s the American Dream! So, yeah, it matters, but I think some of it is honestly because we’ve been pretty crude actually, I think, in design about how we set up comparisons between players and how we tell them to measure themselves against other people. We just give them this one metric, level or whatever, and then… what if there were lots of metrics? Like: You are an extremely high-level epic mount earner! That guy’s a lousy epic mount earner. Then all of a sudden you could say, “Well, clearly he bought his”, and you go neener-neener and walk away. And nobody would feel like it was awful! So some of it might be just that we’ve been bad about designing our metrics.

  4 Responses to “AGDC07: the interview”

  1. […] Original post by Raph […]

  2. […] Crosslink, or whatever the kids call it.  After a long discussion with a drunk United Kingdomer in Austin, I believe this actually qualifies as Web 2.0, so enjoy. […]

  3. Raph: We should be announcing something within the month of September.

    wait. what month is this?


  4. […] More Raph – For even more Raph Koster, F13 has up a lengthy interview with the designer from AGDC. They discuss the future of the online game market, and you can get an even better sense […]

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