Another stupid meme
(Visited 6360 times)Sep 152007
You can blame Grimwell for this one.
Four jobs I have had in my life (not including your current job):
- Sandwich maker at a Subway.
- Tutoring learning-disabled college students
- Teaching Spanish to fifth graders
- Running A/V for conferences
Four Movies I have watched over and over:
- Star Wars
- Die Hard
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Most Studio Ghibli movies
Four places I have lived:
- Greenfield, MA
- Christ Church, Barbados
- Lima, Peru (San Isidro, specifically)
- Tuscaloosa, AL
I could easily keep going with a dozen more…
Four Shows I love to watch:
- Heroes
- House
- Handmade Music
- Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares
(I could easily keep going with a dozen more here too)
Four Places I have been on vacation:
- Miami
- Cuzco
- Kerrville, TX
- Mt Pocono
It occurs to me that I do not take very many vacations. 😛
Four of my favorite foods:
- Porkchops with applesauce & white rice
- Paella — not seafood ones, though
- Sausage (almost any sort)
- Ice cream
Four favorite drinks:
- Water (really!)
- Most any rum-based tropical drink. Living in the Caribbean does that to you.
- Black Russian
- Hazelnut latte
Four places I would rather be right now:
- A Caribbean beach
- Barnes & Noble in Manhattan
- The Kerrville Folk Festival
- Asleep
I tag…
…no one, because you need not suffer.
7 Responses to “Another stupid meme”
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Bah! Meme’s are not stupid, they are insightful. Your movie section alone tells about you in ways I never had known…
Thanks for playing.
Things can be stupid AND insightful, I suppose.
Or maybe it’s just me. Grump grump grump.
Grimwell did say that you were too serious, Raph.. but then again he also said you wouldn’t fill this out.
[…] from Raph’s Website » Another stupid meme September 15th, 2007 at 10:18 […]
Why. Do you watch Die Hard. More than once. If that? -_-
[…] Raph Koster got tagged to answer this meme, and I enjoyed reading his responses. Also, he did not tag anyone in turn, which I thought was kind of cool of him. (I always hate it when someone sends me a humorous email that includes a chain-letter-like “forward this to 10 people or else” warning at the bottom.) So I’m going to answer the meme, or at least try to. And I won’t tag four people at the end either (although my reason is more that I’m not sure I know four other bloggers well enough to tag them!). […]
[…] reading through Raph Koster’s Blog I stumbled upon this meme, that he got from another source. I decided to answer the same questions here for my own blog. I […]