A big day: Metaplace

 Posted by (Visited 6643 times)  Gamemaking
Sep 182007

Later today, we’ll be announcing Metaplace as one of the TechCrunch40. Keep an eye on http://www.metaplace.com for more info — around 4pm Pacific time.

Can’t wait to show everyone what we have been doing!

  12 Responses to “A big day: Metaplace”

  1. I can’t wait to see it!

  2. I can’t wait to check it out and provide feedback. I have some ideas as to what’s coming, but I’m keeping them close to my chest for now. 🙂



  3. You dirty tease.

  4. So it starts. Between you, Conduit Labs, and Whirled it’s going to be a very interesting time to be a web gamer…

  5. I think it’s all a huge Alternate Reality thing, something like “I Like Beaes” :^)

  6. Great stuff! Looking forward to it, Raph.

  7. Knock ’em dead in the demo!

  8. My poor F5.

  9. Hey Raph,
    What’s up with the western, 3D, and subscription-centric list of virtual worlds on the Alpha application? No dungeon runners,neopets, habbo, maple story, etc? If any company would have a more encompassing list, I would’ve expected Areae to, especially since the 3D client is coming later.
    Other than that oddity, Metaplace looks very exciting. Can’t wait for a chance to play with it.

  10. Let me make sure I have this right: Metaplace is an “open source” development kit, hosting solution, and social network website for people who want to develop truly *active* websites/mmo’s without having to be a programmer?

    It’s a quiet little thing, isn’t it?

    Kind of like, I dunno, someone writing a small simple programming interface that let people surf the internet more efficiently… 🙂

  11. […] September 19, 2007 Metaplace Posted by geraintcb under Aufgeschnappt , Betas , MMOs   Raph Koster kündigt Metaplace an. […]

  12. […] This one is interesting. Cause it’s not a game really. It’s more of a platform to create your own game. If you ever heard of DikuMuD (not sure if I have the capitalization correct on the letters) I think it might be a close analogy. A platform that many people built Muds off of. They tweaked it a bit but the basic mechanics all worked the same. And it became the basis for EQ. Now they got a similar web based platform and Raph Koster (SWG, UO) is behind it. Something to keep an eye on anyway. https://www.raphkoster.com/2007/09/18/a-big-day-metaplace/ […]

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