Google finally makes its move?

 Posted by (Visited 8765 times)  Game talk
Sep 242007

The rumors have been around for ages now, but it looks like maybe this time there’s something a little bit more concrete:

Virtual Worlds News: Google Testing A Virtual World At Arizona State University?

The little picture linked in the article has a cartoon dude asking “do you do 3d modeling.”

There’s also SceneCast coming, of course, which like VastPark (and VRML) seems to be more about sharing 3d spaces, but not actually interacting in real-time with other users in them.

I have a feeling we’ll hear lots more about all of this stuff at Virtual Worlds Fall.

Sep 232007


We’re half the way to Whimsy. Our feet are getting sore.
Half the way to Whimsy, where we plan to open doors.

Butterflies the size of bats hover ’round our heads
And bicycles on bouncy roads have sparkles on their treads.

Half the way to Whimsy is only partly droll
But at least we’re finding it a pleasant little stroll.

Ahead a man is hawking; his bird gives us a glare.
When walking down to Whimsy it doesn’t do to stare.

And at the gates of Whimsy we stop and take a gander.
The gates are icon-clad and people crowd the landing.

Inside the gates of Whimsy you’re not allowed to eat.
If you spill the beans, you see, they may not let you leave.

And photographs? Heavens forfend! That isn’t why you came!
The denizens are not the sort to fit inside a frame.

If I described — the robots, lights, the watercolored gears,
The shelves of books, daguerrotypes, boxes full of tears,

The flock of sparrows, spider’s web, the flavor of ice cream —
Oh, never mind. Just pretend you’re visiting a dream.

And when you’re leaving Whimsy, remember: no one stays.
Mostfolks visit briefly, and rarely in their days.

Pack a wistful smile for lunch, and wear your smallest clothes.
You can ride the cat bus home, to rest your tired toes.

In Japan!

 Posted by (Visited 6118 times)  Misc
Sep 222007

I am here. Random notes:

Man, it takes a really long time to get from the plane to the hotel. Like, three hours. 45 minutes was probably the immigration line!

There was a magical bus to the hotel, so I didn’t have to learn the train system. Yet.

There was a girl on said bus who laughed the whole way. I don’t know why.

I ran into Tyler from Indiana University in the immigration line. So, no creepy stalker, but I did have a stranger recognize me. That felt odd.

Then I shared the bus with another CEDEC speaker. This is starting to feel like a very small world.

I saw many many DS Lites on the way.

So they warned me there was no ground on the plug. What do you do with laptop plugs that have a ground prong? hink the hotel has an adapter? Sigh. I have 6 hours of computing left.  (Update: the hotel is sending an adapter up, yay!)

Off to Japan!

 Posted by (Visited 7165 times)  Misc
Sep 202007

I am heading off to Japan in the morning, to speak at CEDEC. The blog may get slightly quieter for a bit as a result.
It is my first time there. 🙂 If you’re in Japan, and want to show me around, and aren’t a creepy stalker… let me know.

Club Marian launches

 Posted by (Visited 13100 times)  Game talk
Sep 202007

Gene Endrody wrote to let me know that has launched Club Marian.

A massive multiplayer social hangout where users from around the world can chat, dance, drive and create music in a fun 3d environment. Club Marian features three islands to explore, a cool music maker, emotes, customizable avatars and a sports car to drive.

Like Sherwood Dungeon, it’s a full-screen 3d Shockwave experience.

Gene specifically says, “check out the dance floor by the Tiki Statues with disco lights on.” 🙂