The Sunday Song: Carry The Message

 Posted by (Visited 5560 times)  Music
Sep 092007

I wrote this song a few weeks ago, and have been too busy on the weekends to sit down and record it. Today I finally got the chance, so here it is.

This was one of those tunes that sort of clicked together with very little effort, for some reason. The first version, believe it or not, kinda had a disco beat (no, I don’t know why). Then I bluesed it up a little. Then I wrote a semi-Spanish-sounding guitar solo. Then I left for a conference, and hoped I wouldn’t forget it all.

Looks like I didn’t… so here’s a fairly quick take on it.

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AGDC07: overall takes

 Posted by (Visited 9648 times)  Game talk
Sep 092007

My sense was that this was a conference in transition, and not just because it was under new management. I said several times that it seemed like two conferences: one where the traditional AAA MMO developers were wondering why their talks on massively concurrent streaming architectures were side-by-side with lectures about Web 2.0 caching.

There was a level of… not disdain, but bewilderment, I think. At one point I was chatting with a friend who has worked on the big games for years, and he said “seems like you’re doing something sort of… webby.” Like it was a term for something minor, or insignificant, or something. He also wasn’t going to attend the Nexon and Habbo talks because they were “webby.”

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Blind spots

 Posted by (Visited 4476 times)  Game talk
Sep 092007

Austin GDC 07: Are Microtransactions The Future of MMO Games? – Kotaku (from the comments):

BUT there hasn’t been a single Asian game localized for the US that uses an MT model that’s had even a small degree of success here.

Argh! This is such a myth. It is outright false. *head explodes*

Two words: Maple Story. The question is whether it is bigger than WoW in North America, not whether it has had “a small degree of success.”

Edit: some stats I just found from Minho Kim’s talk:

“$1.6m virtual item sales in February, over 600,000 items. And over 1m in item sales in June.”  Which would be $2.6m in sales if the pricing averages hold, a 61% increase.