AGDC07: The Zen of Online Game Design

 Posted by (Visited 16944 times)  Game talk
Sep 062007

Another liveblog…

Damion Schubert, Bioware Austin (and his blog)

My title is at least as vague as Raph’s. I thought I would tell you up front what I am talking about so if it is not what you think you can leave now.

Three mental models for MMO design, and I thought I would make those public and you can tell me if they are useful, because I have not actually researched them. I will also throw out stray thoughts on MMO design as they come up, they will seem random, because I am a random guy. And I will also discuss the history of cupholders.

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AGDC07: Designing for Everywhere

 Posted by (Visited 13846 times)  Game talk
Sep 052007

Here are the slides for my presentation today. For once, you should be able to get the gist of what I said without needing to read or hear the actual lecture alongside the slides. I suppose that makes this a “bad use of Powerpoint” — but I swear I didn’t just read the slides. 🙂

First up, there’s this fancy MHT file that Powerpoint exported. It seems to only work in IE, though. 🙁

If that doesn’t work for you, there’s also a PDF (3.8MB). But I notice a lot of the graphics are wonky looking, including all the backgrounds.

Lastly, here’s a page with every slide as images.

Astute readers will notice that I stole a comment from the estimable Dr. Bartle. 😉

Sep 052007

Always fun to see the different readings different people get from the same material!

I will try to get the slides posted today. The talk was actually quite heavy on the game grammar stuff — material which regular blog readers will likely find familiar, honestly. I was worried there was too much of it, but when I asked the crowd, they said they wanted more of it… so maybe the balance was OK.

Off to Austin!

 Posted by (Visited 3832 times)  Misc
Sep 042007

I fly out in a couple of hours for the Austin Game Developers Conference. I will be there until Saturday morning. If you see me, say hi! And if you are trying to email me, be aware that I will probably be slow to respond.

My speaking schedule while there is available here.