Banned Books Week
(Visited 5414 times)Oct 022007
It’s Banned Books Week.
Go read one.
There’s a great list here of the top 100 banned ones lately. (I’ve read 28 of them… unless you break apart the series, in which case it’s more).
4 Responses to “Banned Books Week”
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Where’s Waldo?
But…but…it’s a classic!
I feel like a slacker…I’ve only read 14 of the books on that list.
And let’s face it…Where’s Waldo teaches young children that, every time they’re in a large crowd, they should look for a guy in a red-and-white striped shirt with glasses and go to him.
Either that, or the glasses reminded someone too much of Harry Potter’s, in which case Waldo is EEEEEVIL.
That list is a nice mix of timeless classics, harmless children’s stories (where’s waldo??) and sex-education books.
If I had kids, I would want them to read about half of the books on that list by the time they were 15 or so. I wish all those censors had more taste!
OCLC published, in 2005, the list of books that were both ever banned, and on the OCLC 1000 (the top 1,000 books held by OCLC libraries worldwide). Link is here:
Click through on any of those books to find one in a library near you.