We have evacuated

 Posted by (Visited 5647 times)  Misc
Oct 222007

posting from my phone. very smoky over in Rancho Bernardo. we are now down at the Mira Mesa High School, all fine. we decided to go when they closed all the highway along our neighborhood and when we could see the flames on the hills around poway and rancho bernardo…

  19 Responses to “We have evacuated”

  1. もう信じらんない。私のルームメイトと私(そして私の犬)は、友人の家で安全にしています。オフィスと友人の家の安全を祈っています。ここはなんてとこなの =/私たちは避難しましたby Raph, on October 22nd, 2007 at 6:39 am 携帯電話からのポストです。Rancho Bernardo はものすごい煙です。私たちは Mira Mesa High School

  2. Stay safe! Our thoughts are with you.

  3. Wish you good luck, Raph.

  4. Stay safe, please. I am sending you all my luck (I am keeping just a small amount with me to avoid bad things tomorrow on my way to work).

    “Tómala. Sube ahí y toca. Te he dado todo el mojo que tengo.” (Crossroads)

  5. Yikes! Stay safe. Hope everything turns out ok.

  6. Good luck, Raph and family. Prayers are for you all, and your homes and city.

  7. Best of Luck. Stay safe.

  8. Damn, didn’t even know this was happening. My thoughts to you and your family Raph!

  9. I saw the coverage about wildfires just last night (was it on 60 minutes?)!

    I hope you, your family, and everyone in the area are safe and well.

  10. Best of luck to you and yours Raph!
    May the flames be sated before they lick at your doorstep!

  11. Yeep, didn’t realize you were living in that area… Glad you got out safe.

  12. Glad to know you and the family are safe. Hopefully, everything else will go well as well.

  13. I was wondering if this would come to affect you guys. Good luck, stay safe, and know that the anonymous blog peoples are thinking of you.

  14. Marnie and my thoughts are with you. Stay safe.

  15. When I heard the words “Rancho Bernardo” and “evacuated” while watching coverage of the fires earlier, my thoughts immediately turned to you guys.

    I hope that everyone got out alright, and your homes (and the office) will be unscathed when you return.

  16. Will be hoping the best for you and your family! I hear Mira Mesa is pretty packed with evacuee’s. Rancho Bernardo is not a good scene right now, but I hope your place is ok.

  17. […] only SOE is affected. Raph has had to evacuate as […]

  18. […] to send the best of luck and good wishes to Raph and all the Metaplace employees that have had to evacuate their homes. May the evacuation be smooth and may you return to your unscathed […]

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