We’ve packed our car
(Visited 5310 times)Oct 222007
We can see the fire cresting hills in the distance, and I-15 is closed one exit up from us.
No word on evacuations for our part of town yet, but more northerly parts of the neighborhood have been told to evac.
7 Responses to “We’ve packed our car”
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みんなが無事でありますように。そして人々が家族と共に安全な場所に脱出する手助けをしてくれている、消防士と救急隊員に感謝します。車に荷造りをしましたby Raph, on October 22nd, 2007 at 4:24 am 遠くの丘に炎の縁取りが見えます、インターステートハイウェイ15の北への通行が規制されました。
Be safe!
Yes – stay safe. I hope everythings works out for the best.
Living in Australia I know what fires are like. Be safe and don’t take any chances!
Yes Raph, be safe and leave if need be, just don’t forget to take the computer 😉
Be careful!
Stay safe, Raph. We had an Oakland Hills fire to and were about to evac as well.
Best wishes, I hope everything works out great for you!