Tracking the fire

 Posted by (Visited 6060 times)  Open thread
Oct 232007

Good maps:

This one shows that Mira Mesa is now an area of concern, as is Santee and Lakeside. It shows our area in the middle, as “previously burned,” but as you can see it’s kinda surrounded by areas of concern. Notable is that 67 just closed, and that Bonita and Chula Vista seem to be OK now. But really, it all depends on the winds.

They are keeping it updated with the latest set of incident reports, etc.

The councilman walked the area with his staff and noted addresses. he only covered one part of the neighborhood,though. Then someone else made a Google Map of it. Hurray for the Internet!

  3 Responses to “Tracking the fire”

  1. 火事を追跡by Raph, on October 23rd, 2007 at 3:43 pm Good maps: Chris Kelley’s これは Mira Mesa を Santee や Lakeside

  2. Thanks for posting those links. I didn’t realize that San Diego and Los Angeles were that close together, I thought they were more than a mere 80 km apart. I have a relative in LA.

    I certainly hope that the fire controls itself, soon, and that the winds will blow the fire back towards itself.

    I’m glad to see you and your family made it out okay, and I hope that everything will be fine (if sooty) when the all-clear is given and you return to your home.

  3. Thanks for the updates. It’s good to hear what’s up from people “on the ground,” as it were. Here’s hoping the homes and office pull through unscathed.

  4. Your mom’s kept me posted. Glad to hear all is well about. We kept yunz in our prayers. Hugs to kirsten and the Kids’. I’ll be over in Jefferson tomarrow. If there is ever anything I can do this email comes to my phone.

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