Ho-hum in Anaheim
(Visited 6538 times)Oct 242007
Woke up this morning to the news that the I5 was closed because of fires in Camp Pendleton, so we couldn’t go back even if we wanted to. But that seems to be under control now, and the highway is open again.
There are some reports here and there that neighborhoods right by us are open — ones that were closer to the fire even — but when I called the county’s hotline, they said that our zip code was still marked as restricted, so we are staying put for now. In a half hour, we’ll miss checkout time for the hotel, and at that point, we may as well stay the night.
I am thinking we may also go shopping for stuff likely to be hard to find down there, like dust masks, HEPA filters, and the like.
10 Responses to “Ho-hum in Anaheim”
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Mapで別のやつを作ってくれていますインターネット万歳! Recent hotspots 以下、最新のポストです。Anaheimでため息by Raph, on October 24th, 2007 at 10:26 am Ca
From what I heard from friends who drove through after they opened the I5 southbound this morning, it may not stay open – the fire was uncomfortably close to the freeway, with firefighters lined up just east of the 5 trying to keep it from getting too near the road.
Dust masks and filters are a great idea.
If there are a lot of fire refugees where you are, you might want to drive a bit to where they aren’t – seems like a lot of people will have the same idea, and thus sell out by where you’re staying.
We didn’t have any issues finding stuff. And tomorrow we’ll head back there in the morning. Might as well get one more good night’s sleep, and be ready to do a ton of cleaning in the daylight.
I can’t believe you were able to write as much as you have.
We are glad you are well and hope tomorrow will find you at home safe and sound. I am assuming the power is off but the plumbing is working in the house and that the house and stuff will be fine if it just airs out. Rancho Bernardo is still making national news tonight.
Love to all, the grandparents.
Last we heard, the power was on, water was on, everything was fine.
Anyone hear about the UO team getting the sack?
Does your last comment mean that you’ve confirmed that your house is intact? Did you find anything out about the Areae office?
Our house and the office have both been confirmed as intact by people on the ground. I just talked to our answering machine too, so we have power.
We’re looking at heading back in today — the concerns now would be the power staying on, the air quality, that sort of thing.
Meh. It must be just impossible to breathe over there. I’m glad to hear you’re all okay.
Here’s hoping it starts raining alot – clear the air and help with the fires.