A better version of October

 Posted by (Visited 6592 times)  Music
Nov 232007

It was bugging the crap out of me that I posted that ugly version of “October.” So here’s a much nicer version.

Someone asked about how I miked stuff last time… This one was recorded with the ATM41HE pointed at the 12th fret from around 4 inches away, and the AT4033a/SM standing around three feet away, then the two signals mixed and panned apart from each other. This was a bit of an experiment. It provided a lot more “air” space in the recording than in some of the other ones I have posted. Not sure if I like it that way or not — it’s not like the room where I record has a nice warm tone or anything. In fact, there’s a big ol’ double-wide mirrored closet door, so usually I get slapback.

While I was at it, I wrote a new piece in this tuning too, which you can hear me whistling a snatch of at the start. 🙂 But you’ll have to wait until Sunday for that one — called “November,” of course.



  3 Responses to “A better version of October”

  1. […] I posted a non-sucky performance of the song I posted last time. 😛 About as far from rock as you can get, of course. https://www.raphkoster.com/2007/11/23/a-better-version-of-october/ […]

  2. […] promised, here’s that new song, […]

  3. A definite improvement.

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