The Sunday Song: November

 Posted by (Visited 7480 times)  Music
Nov 252007

As promised, here’s that new song, “November.”

Once again, this is in C G C G Bb C tuning. This tuning is really… mellow. I am sure I can get it to rock out, but I haven’t yet, that’s for sure.

This is recorded on the Blueridge, not the Gibson, with the same double-mic set up as last time.

  6 Responses to “The Sunday Song: November”

  1. Very nice. I’m sure I’ll be relaxing to it again sometime.

    I like to begin a song mellow and turn it hard at the end. Occasionally, that earns a raised eyebrow, but most folks seem to enjoy a little headbanging to finish the journey. =)

  2. The tuning seems to have sort of a drone effect with that B-flat/C configuration in the two high strings. Reminds me of a sitar, if it were fed a diet of beef and other hearty foods.

    With three strings tuned to an octave of C and two more on the fifth, it sounds to me like that first-fifth harmonic will dominate whatever the artist does with it. You could probably exploit that characteristic for some good rock by dropping down in a countermelody to B-flat or up to D or E minor to create dissonance, then resolving back to the C-G fundamental. Or maybe G through A-flat and B-flat, and back to C for a minor-key journey.

    Nice work on the miking technique. Definitely created a nice, detailed sound. Better be careful, or you’ll start pulling pages out of Bob Dylan’s playbooks and looking for exotic locations with unique ambient characteristics like concrete stairwells for the long, rich reverb. (grin)

  3. Great! I guess I would like it to rock out more though.

    There’s just one note in there that reminds me of Sevendust’s Angel’s Son for some reason, or maybe it’s…hmm…I’m going to think of it in a minute.

    Meanwhile, re: your song about the Witch fire, it reminded me of James Keelaghan’s song about the Mann Gulch fire.

  4. I still can’t stop listening. 😛

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