Game Developers Choice Awards

 Posted by (Visited 4847 times)  Game talk
Nov 262007

I am now on the advisory committee for the Game Developers Choice Awards, so I wanted to mention that this year’s nominations for three key awards are open until November 30th, to qualified industry professionals. The three awards are, in Gamasutra’s words:

  • The Ambassador Award honors an individual (or group of individuals) who has helped the game industry advance to a better place, either through facilitating a better game community from within, or by reaching outside the industry to be an advocate for video games to help further the art.
  • The Pioneer Award celebrates those individuals who developed a breakthrough technology, game concept or gameplay design at a crucial juncture in video game history, paving the way for the myriad developers who followed them.
  • The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes the career and achievements of a developer who has made an indelible impact on the craft of game development.

  4 Responses to “Game Developers Choice Awards”

  1. I’d like to nominate Ian Bogost for the Ambassador Award (with his Colbert Report appearance being the capstone) and Chris Crawford for the Pioneer Award (for finally getting Storytron to Beta).

    Also worth considering is Danny Ledonne for the Ambassador Award (considering his tireless media work to advocate the power of games as a medium around, rather than because of, his controversial game, up to an including his documenatary film Playing Colbumbine) and I’d strongly suggest Paolo Pedercini’s work has given game designers who want to create both fun and meaningful systems a crucial example set.

  2. It’s a shame that they retired “original game character of the year”…

    *sigh* HK-47 was brilliant.

    My guess is that if the award were still in place It would be given to either a “big daddy” or a “little sister”.

  3. Nice, Congrats on that:)

  4. It’s sad that the IGDA is no longer involved with these awards…

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