Player sues player over user-created content, wins (sorta)
(Visited 6716 times)Nov 292007
Folks who have been around a while may remember this case, about a Second Life player who makes virtual sex toys, had them cloned/copied/ripped off, then went after the perpetrator in court.
Well, the alleged perpetrator didn’t answer the filing, which means that a default judgement was entered. Now, the aggrieved party can seek damages. Once again, virtual worlds avoid a substantive court case that could discuss implications of virtuality and goods…
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[…] on 29 Nov 2007 at 12:17 pm3 Raph’s Website » Player sues player over user-created content, wins (sorta) […]
[…] is not the same case as the Eros case I referenced just a few days ago, but Eros is one of the plaintiffs. This case centered on copyright and trademark — Rase […]