I am here at MIT’s Media Lab, at the Bartos Theater, attending Futures of Entertainment 2. I am not going to bother liveblogging the sessions, because the MIT Convergence Culture Consortium: Weblog is doing it already. Worth reading up on.
Warning, the rest of this is muddled, self-contradictory musings as the discussion progresses.
I am listening to the panel on mobile right now, and am struck by how little the phone capabilities come up. The panel has folks from Yahoo, Turner, MTV, and the Media Lab on it. And it’s interesting to see the gap between some of the panelists. MTV is talking about how to push content, and the need to create it first for mobile, and migrate it elsewhere, essentially granting mobile respect as a platform in its own right. Yahoo is basically talking about the reverse; what is of great interest to them is the fact that mobile is creating effectively a distributed geocoded videocamera network.