Curse you, red ring of death!

 Posted by (Visited 6080 times)  Game talk
Dec 102007

Yeah, the Xbox 360 is dead. Red Ring of Death. Error code 0102, which apparently means “send it back.” Nice timing with the holidays… sigh.

  12 Responses to “Curse you, red ring of death!”

  1. I feel your pain!

    I just got a Powerbook G4 (refurb) this weekend for a combined Birthday/Christmas present to use at school (audio type stuff, come record for my project :9). I opened it up and set off to playing. Grabbed Firefox, did a little surfing, the Apple updates box pops up. Well, yeah lets go ahead and get all the work done before we play, be responsible with it. Froze up during….you know it….Mac OS X 10.4.11 updates, rebooted itself and has been inconsolable since (or was that me?). My favorite part is looking at the big, pretty green sticker that proudly states ‘QC approved’.

    WTB quality, pst

  2. Sorry to hear it.

    On the bright side, nothing brings families together quite like bashing their treacherous 360 with hammers.

  3. On the bright side, nothing brings families together quite like bashing their treacherous 360 with hammers.

    I think that would violate the return policy.

  4. Hammers? Pft.

    My preferred method for dealing with bad electronics is crucifixion. Only ever had to do it once. Got some strange looks from the neighbors, though…

  5. We’ve had that happen to BOTH xBoxes in our house. Pieces of crap. Our Playstation 3 has been going strong, however, since last Christmas when I managed to snag one of the first ones out for my darling husband!

  6. Do tell, which version of the 360 was it that failed?

    there’s been a few others I know who had their machines go out within the last few weeks. Let’s cross our fingers that my Elite from september lasts…

    oh, have I said how many times it’s frozen during load screens? junk! I’m about ready to include this to the “SOE No Buy List”.

  7. Did Mass Effect or Rock Band kill it?

    My guess is Rockband.

  8. Sonic The Hedgehog, actually. Apparently it froze a few times while the boy was playing the other day.

    Rockband was a good guess though. =)

  9. I had the same thing happen to mine with red ring of death. As have (I suspect) around 30% of Xbox360 owners. I’d only had it for 8 months, never used it heavily, and its in an area with decent ventilation. The “red ring of death” problems are usually related to heat warping the motherboard and causing cracks in the little solderballs that join the CPU/GPU to the board, and its not really repairable, they just throw out the motherboard (I dunno if they even scavenge it for parts). I guess this is why external coolers are a popular accessory. 🙁

    The only nice thing was that it prevented me from playing Naruto: Rise of a Ninja until the japanese voice pack was released as free downloadable content, woohoo! Oh, the other nice thing was Microsoft threw in free 1-month Xbox Live card with the “repaired” console (which was actually a totally different unit with a different serial number etc.)

  10. Yup – My sons is sitting by the front door in the return to the repair center box right now. Just packed it up, red rings and all.

  11. Mine just died on me. >

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