Metaplace article in PC Gamer

 Posted by (Visited 4572 times)  Gamemaking
Dec 132007

I found it on the newsstand! It’s the January 2008 issue. We’re even on the cover (as a small “Make Your Own MMO” blurb in a circle in the lower left).

Pretty good article, I thought — almost two full pages. And in case you are wondering, that one-eyed dinosaur critter is called a sqronk. Expect to hear more about him in the future.

  4 Responses to “Metaplace article in PC Gamer”

  1. sqronk…. how do you pronounce that?

  2. Just like it sounds….heheh

  3. I’d just replace the “q” with a “k”. =P

    Skronk. Add a little subtle “w” sound between the k and r and that’s how I’d say it.

  4. They should pull a “Lovecraft” and add an appendix that clarifies that “Sqronk” is pronounced “Robert.” Then, in every new edition of the manual, you change the pronunciation to something entirely different.

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