Academic job available in Germany

 Posted by (Visited 4614 times)  Game talk
Nov 152007

I got this email from a reader… I generally avoid the many sort-of-advertising-y things that people want me to post, but this one seemed meritorious. Anything we can do to help foster more academic programs that include games and virtual worlds is a good thing.

I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now and really enjoy reading it, especially the game grammar stuff. But that is not why I’m sending you this email.

I’m a member of Acagamics, the IGDA game development club of the University of Magdeburg in Germany, and we are currently looking for applicants who are interested in filling the vacant junior professorship for Virtual Enviroments (esp. Computer Games) at our university.

Unfortunately there isn’t much time left, the closing date for applications is 23. November.

More information can be found on this website (German):
The (unofficial) translated version can be found here:
If you are interested in our club (and know somebody who understands
German) you can find some more info here:

We would appreciate if you could help us by posting this to your blog.

Salsipuedes: leave if you can

 Posted by (Visited 14716 times)  Game talk
Nov 142007

In Baja California, on the way to Ensenada, there is an exit marked “Salsipuedes.” You can’t really see where it leads — the exit turns steeply off the highway, and the area is tall mud cliffs overlooking the Pacific. Somewhere down below, you can catch a glimpse of dusty pickup trucks and maybe a few dwellings.

Salsipuedes means “leave if you can” in Spanish.  It struck me because of the possible readings: you can’t leave because it’s so beautiful; you want to leave because it’s so horrible; you can’t leave because it’s too hard to get out.

Seems like most virtual worlds are kind of the same way.

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MDA is a modem

 Posted by (Visited 5052 times)  Misc
Nov 132007

I have my phone acting as a high-speed modem for my laptop via USB.  Neat… I never tried this before, but this hotel had no Internet, so it was worth the  frustration. Of course, I had to use the phone to Google the instructions, then keep switching back and forth.