Sep 072007

CMP is moving fast this year, and is already posting audio of the first day of sessions (for a fee, of course). The audio for my lecture is posted here.

Currently in Nicole Lazzaro’s excellent talk, but it’s too visual to liveblog… 🙂 Basically, she’s arguing for broadening our definition of games a lot, based on her emotion research.

Sep 062007

Gamasutra has a good summary of this keynote.

It was downright shameful how few people were at this keynote compared to Mike Morhaime’s keynote about WoW yesterday (which was largely a rehash of things we have already heard, honestly). This was stuff that the crowd here needed to hear. I have heard far too many folks a bit baffled by the “webby” stuff and wondering what it is doing here. Well, this keynote was the answer.

Makes me wonder how they will react to the Nexon keynote tomorrow.

Latest stat: 7.5m uniques a month. And 80m registered (!).

AGDC07: The Zen of Online Game Design

 Posted by (Visited 16944 times)  Game talk
Sep 062007

Another liveblog…

Damion Schubert, Bioware Austin (and his blog)

My title is at least as vague as Raph’s. I thought I would tell you up front what I am talking about so if it is not what you think you can leave now.

Three mental models for MMO design, and I thought I would make those public and you can tell me if they are useful, because I have not actually researched them. I will also throw out stray thoughts on MMO design as they come up, they will seem random, because I am a random guy. And I will also discuss the history of cupholders.

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