The Sunday Poem: BASIC

 Posted by (Visited 5513 times)  Game talk, The Sunday Poem
Aug 262007

Anyone who has programmed for a long time knows the weird feeling when a new language comes along and up-ends your assumptions. It’s certainly true that you basically learn to program once, and then learn many syntaxes. But it’s also true that programming languages bring along ways of thinking. So here’s a silly poem about that feeling.


Who would think the line numbers would go astray?

Instead each order is atomic, each action is its own,
Standing individual like citizens, instead of operations.

And what is this inheritance? This oh oh pee? A gosub’s
Gone from subroutine to type! Variables once global
Now can var, can pointer, enum, local, scope!

Hell, there’s more than just one sort of number! A number is a number,

Well, hex and dec, sure. And binary, I guess.

But quit making simple complicated! Where’s the jump table,
Accumulators, and my register’s gone? Damn kids these days.

Haha. I put a function declaration in a header.

This is kinda neat.

GigaOM goes to HiPiHi

 Posted by (Visited 6554 times)  Game talk
Aug 252007

Wagner James Au was in Beijing, so he stopped by the HiPiHi offices.

Alas, he didn’t return with a guide on how to pronounce the name of the company. But he did return with lots of details about the virtual world, which is expected to launch a US beta in October.

For a Second Life user, the most striking thing about HiPiHi is how similar its interface is – reverse-engineered is probably the more accurate term. (This despite the fact that Second Life’s confusing user interface is easily its weakest selling point.) Xu said he conceived of the basic idea before even knowing about Second Life, but it’s abundantly clear he and his team have modeled a lot of HiPiHi on it. Like Second Life, content is streamed from the networked HiPiHi servers — which comprise the world — to users’ computers.