Reversing asymmetrical games

 Posted by (Visited 8397 times)  Game talk
Aug 202007

Anti-TD is a fun take on Tower Defense games: you play the never-ending march of invaders, and the computer places the towers.

I’ve talked a lot in the past about how games can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Symmetrical games are ones where the capabilities of the player are comparable to the capabilities of the opponent: tennis, Quake, chess. Asymmetrical games are ones where the player and the opponent have differing games to play. This latter form really flourished with the advent of computers, but examples do exist from prior; for example, baseball or cricket can be viewed as alternating rounds of asymmetrical gameplay, and board games like Fox & Geese are asymmetrical.

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Why Have Gold Anyway?

 Posted by (Visited 12534 times)  Game talk
Aug 202007

This article originally appeared in Massive quite a while ago… the mag seems to be undergoing some changes, including editorial turnover, alas.

Why Have Gold Anyway?

What with all the talk about RMT, how it affects a game, whether it’s something to be banned or embraced, and so on, it’s easy to lose sight of fundamental matters. Why is there gold in these games anyway? Should the games be about chasing wealth, or are we missing out on other styles of gameplay by focusing so much on acquiring shiny fake currency?

It’s worth stepping back and thinking about how these games work overall from a design perspective. After all, the games can mostly be boiled down into a pretty small and repetitive set of activities:

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Aug 192007

No, I didn’t forget. 🙂

Here’s a song I wrote last year sometime. It’s really simple and in standard tuning for once, I’ll post the chords with it below.

There’s actually two very different recordings of this; I posted the new one I did, which is all acoustic — the other is more electric with a rockabilly drumbeat behind it.

Yah, I know, the bass is muddy as hell, I mixed the backing vocals a little too low, and the electric guitar part sux. But hey, it’s very much a tongue-in-cheek song anyway. Who cares? It’s supposed to sound like everyone is just hanging out jamming.


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 Posted by (Visited 5997 times)  Game talk
Aug 182007

There’s been talk around the Valley for ages about how Google Earth will go multiuser, making Google instantly a major player in the virtual world space.

Well, they took too long. ‘Cause here’s Unype, a mashup of Google Earth and Skype, that accomplishes that very thing. They even have a Facebook widget.

War of the Worlds

 Posted by (Visited 4218 times)  Game talk
Aug 182007

War of the Worlds is one of those “hot or not” style apps, but for virtual worlds. Which is better, BB Tanks or Red Light Center? If you don’t think that is a non-sensical question, you may want to give it a try. 🙂

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