AWOMO goes beta

 Posted by (Visited 7183 times)  Game talk
Aug 162007

I have mentioned the Branson project A World of My Own before, but now reports are that it is ready for beta. For those that do not recall, this is essentially a digital distribution venture, but one that adds in sort of an achievement/social networking layer on top of it that is centered on a virtual world. So you  download games, and get stuff for your avatar, which is your overall identity within the system.

Really, despite the name, this is probably more a competitor to Steam, GameTap, or Trion than it is to the likes of Second Life. That said, this is a big area — a lot more well-heeled folks are likely to jump on the burgeoning AAA digital delivery bandwagon.


 Posted by (Visited 6772 times)  Game talk
Aug 162007

VastPark is a highly interesting project. You can create 3d worlds, have stuff stream in from the Web, and post it as a URL. It looks like a single-player, proprietary client implementation.

They started closed beta back at GDC, and just went open beta. If you get to the “old site” section, you can read their developer Wiki and see videos of worlds that early testers made.

Aug 142007

All these taken from the liveblog of Peter Edward’s speech at Edinburgh Interactive Fest.

    • users will be able to purchase real world items from within home to be delivered to their doorstep.
    • we’ll be implementing a fully featured social networking experience within home
    • users will be able to share other content that they have created: photos and videos themselves and user generation content tools such as their own t-shirt designs
    • We’ll also be giving out tools to allow scripting, java minigames and so on
    • Opportunity for revenue sharing with users to encourage placement of advertising within their spaces
    • a sales channel for physical goods. Home will be able to link into additional fulfillment changes and real world retail channels. You’ll be able to buy a virtual item and then have the real world item delivered