Some links that caught my eye today

 Posted by (Visited 7947 times)  Game talk, Misc
Dec 072007

GDC Prime 2007: What We Are Missing

 Posted by (Visited 15234 times)  Game talk
Dec 062007

Here’s revised slides for my GDC Prime talk yesterday. I went through them and added in a lot of the verbal comments I made, because the slides were mostly pictures. Special thanks to Lum, from whom I ganked a bunch of pictures; and Chris Bateman for the data from his book; and apologies to Gene and Jane and Jade, whom I made examples of without their permission (Jesse gave me permission, no apologies for him). And of course, the GDCPrime folks for having me.

So here they are, in a multiplicity of formats:

Edit: there’s an error on the slide about Halo’s September sales; that’s actually its October sales, without the collector’s edition (which adds an extra 30,000 units or so).

My point stands, nonetheless… the views of the Harry Potter parody video that are on the next slide were a total after four days. 🙂

Speaking at GDC Prime 2007

 Posted by (Visited 5174 times)  Game talk
Dec 052007

I am a last-minute substitution onto the schedule for GDC Prime 2007 here in San Diego, because one of the original speakers couldn’t make it. I was up very very late last night finishing up a talk, and will be there all day, so don’t expect much blogging. I’ll let you know how disastrously it went. 😉