Console sales and open big

 Posted by (Visited 3808 times)  Game talk
Jan 112008

Anyone remember the big debate about how “open big” virtual worlds grow, and how they develop a scalloped edge based on holiday sales and territories, etc?

Check out VG Chartz’ data on “Hardware Sales From Launch” for the different consoles. There’s the curve I know! 🙂 Of course, this cumulative sales, so you will never see it decline, you’ll just see slowing growth…

  4 Responses to “Console sales and open big”

  1. I’m going to assume these two links should open different pages. No?

  2. […] Anyone remember the big debate about how “open big” virtual worlds grow, and how they develop a scalloped edge based on holiday sales and territories, etc? […]

  3. I also found it extremely interesting that the PS3 and the 360 curves almost perfectly overlap.

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