Go ask Multivax

 Posted by (Visited 4381 times)  Reading
Jan 132008

This site delighted me.

If you don’t understand it immediately on the first page, you will have to click through some of the links. 🙂

  5 Responses to “Go ask Multivax”

  1. That’s awesome. The Last Question is one of my favorite short stories.

  2. Man, I totally don’t deserve my sci-fi geek title 🙂 I never heard of that story, but am very glad you linked it.

    I always love Asimov though. The one thing I do find poignant though is the 50s-era thinking of a big centralized computer mainframe in the 21st century, and yet he still gets the whole benefit of distributed AI. Just a question of timing then 😉

  3. Oh jeeze! You toss that at me when I’m still wondering …..
    are there an infinite number of shards within shards?

    Not fair, Raph, not fair!

  4. That was a good story. Thanks for posting it.

  5. I think I read that story as a kid. Its very nostalgic to read it again now. Thanks Raph.

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