More on 3DXplorer

 Posted by (Visited 4069 times)  Game talk
Jan 162008

Someone at 3DXplorer left a comment on my earlier post with some additional details. Since they’re posted here already, I figured I’d post it as an actual post since it’s interesting:

Dear Raph, Let us add a few precisions:

1) 3DXplorer princing is not going to change. The Studio is free for all. The player is free for low-trafic sites and requires subscription for high-trafic websites.

2) We agree with some of the challenges you mentioned. We work on them and will most likely show them soon, stay tuned.

3) We are sure, other online, multi-platform, multi-navigator, free tools, like 3DXplorer will be released in the future. For now, we don’t see that much. If we are not wrong, unlike 3DXplorer, the one mentioned is only running on windows, requires pre-installation, and its not yet live.

One last precision: 3DXplorer has no specific innovation claim on quality of renderring or such.

The main claim of innovation is on “3D for everyone” as there is no need to pre-install software, its multi-platform(PC/MAC/LINUX) and Multi-navigator (IE/FF/SAFARI/OPERA/…).

That maybe considered as not that important for gamers, but makes huge difference for the majority of the Internet visitors who are not familiar with 3D.

Hope this clarifies a bit.


(I believe the company is French, btw).

  One Response to “More on 3DXplorer”

  1. So this is a 3D editor in a brower?

    Im impressed, time to go check it out. If it is what I think it is, this would be great for MetaPlace.


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