The Sunday Poem: If you…

 Posted by (Visited 6766 times)  The Sunday Poem
Jan 272008

If you…

…Push through the keys on a piano, what’s on the other side?
Not wires and hammers; not wood, but desires.
An echoing chamber of fires and lovers and lies.

…Bite through the skin of an orange, what’s on the other side?
Not citrus but summer, both light and burnt umber,
A country far distant all tart and remembered and bright.

…Look through the slits of an outlet, what’s on the other side?
Not six thousand currents pulsing reverberant,
But magic brought low, in harness instead of in sky.

…Stretch through the screens all around you, what’s on the other side?
We reach for each other through bytes and through phosphor,
Past Borges’ big library, at play in the forms we provide.

We never think shells are the essence; we crack without asking why.

China’s virtual protectionism

 Posted by (Visited 6341 times)  Game talk
Jan 232008

Pacific Epoch – Update On China’s Internet Shakedown

Government bodies regulating the online game industry have released new regulations regarding foreign online game companies operating in China, reports Under the new regulation, the General Administration of Press and Publication will postpone the examination, approval and licensing of foreign company products if the companies are arbitrated or sued by Chinese online game companies. The GAPP will not continue consideration of the products until after the complaints have been resolved, according to the report.

The translation: any Chinese game company can stop a foreign company from launching in China by filing an arbitration request, which freezes the mandatory approval process.

Core casualties

 Posted by (Visited 12379 times)  Game talk
Jan 232008

For whatever reason, my post on core gamers and what sort of landscape they face seems to have resonated with a lot of folks, or least caused a fair amount of controversy — but in like six different ways at once. The issue of what casual is, and whether that market is serviced and whether developers are listening to that type of player, and so on, is a large and complex one; and microtransactions, whoo! — so I am going to answer a different set of comments first. 🙂

One of the threads has been “why should we think of core games as being in jeopardy?”

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